This entry was posted on Jan 30, 2014 by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg.
Yoga Poetry – The Slant of Everything
Always just to your right, an angle at sunset
or slashing down from the pilot light of the clouds,
the slant of everything. Sometimes, no danger,
just heat lightning and crickets to echo the humidity.
Sometimes everything lifted on one sudden breeze,
surprisingly cold as it slants through the summer
opening between day and night. The golden west
calls past the horizon ahead. The shimmering east
loses its heat and stillness. The moment transparent,
the air thin so that what you know and don’t know,
those you’ve lost and those you’ve yet to love,
converges at one point just over your view of
the western-most cottonwood trip, tilting plans
or wishes, the world always two directions at once.
About Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg is the Poet Laureate of Kansas, and the author of 14 books, including a forthcoming novel,
The Divorce Girl; The Sky Begins At Your Feet: A Memoir on Cancer, Community & Coming Home to the Body (
Ice Cube Books); and four collections of poetry. Founder of Transformative Language Arts – a master's program in social and personal transformation through the written, spoken and sung word at Goddard College (
Goddard College); where she teaches, Mirriam-Goldberg also leads writing workshops widely. With singer Kelley Hunt, she co-writes songs, offers collaborative performances, and leads writing and singing Brave Voice retreats (; and she blogs regularly at her website (