Santosha: A Different Holiday Yoga Practice

This entry was posted on Nov 25, 2015 by Charlotte Bell.
santoshaHow Practicing Santosha Can Bring the Magic Back

I’m not sure when the winter holidays began being equated with stress, but I think I know why. When I was a child, holidays were well-orchestrated events. My parents loved to surprise us with special, unexpected gifts we hadn’t asked for, and loved to set a cozy and festive stage for the ultimate event, the opening of gifts. They got a huge kick out of seeing us enjoying ourselves, so they took great care to make things as magical for us as they could.

Now as an adult, I find myself wanting to recreate that cozy, festive atmosphere for my own holidays. Only since I’m no longer a kid, I have to create it myself—not as easy. So rather than stressing myself out trying to create magic—when we all know that magic happens on its own—perhaps I need to redefine what would make these rare schedule-free days truly magical for me.

Most years I spend all day in the kitchen on Thanksgiving, even if the only recipient of my culinary explorations is going to be my partner. I do love to cook, and I’m diehard about cooking everything organic and from scratch. But sometimes spending my day off in the kitchen wears me out. By the time dinner rolls around, I’m often too exhausted to truly enjoy eating. And how much can two smallish people eat?

This year we’ve been invited to spend Thanksgiving with a lovely couple we met through mutual friends. Despite my repeated offers to bring something, they’ve continued to refuse any contributions to the feast besides our company. Even though I love to cook, I’m grateful to not be in charge this year. It’s kind of like my parents doing all the planning so that I can enjoy whatever surprises the day might bring.

Santosha is Here and Now

As we all know, Thanksgiving is a holiday we’ve set aside as a culture to acknowledge our good fortune, and to remember to be grateful. It’s about stopping for a moment to remember our many blessings, big and small. Santosha, the second niyama, is the practice of cultivating contentment. Practicing contentment means we appreciate the blessings we already enjoy rather than wishing for something we think we lack. Santosha helps us recognize our inherent completeness, just as we are. Contentment leads to a quiet, satisfied mind, a mind that celebrates the perfection of each moment.

So, just to get things started, here are some things I’m grateful for, in advance, as Thanksgiving Day approaches:

  • • Traditionally, I teach a yoga class on Thanksgiving morning. I’m grateful to get to start my day with my amazing yoga sangha, many of whom I’ve known for decades. They are truly a blessing.
  • • I have the opportunity to get better acquainted with some new friends, and meet their family members we’ve only heard about.
  • • I’ll get to spend most of the day at home with my sweet felines, who will be completely grateful for whatever food I give them.
  • • Not being responsible for the Thanksgiving Day meal will allow me to take a long walk in my beautiful city.
  • • Even though my sisters live far from me, and I won’t be able to spend face time with them on Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for their presence in my life and for the opportunity to catch up with them on the holiday.
  • • I won’t have to drive my car all day.
  • • I’ll have time for a long pranayama and sitting meditation practice, maybe two.
  • • Like every day, unexpected things will happen. I’m grateful for my longstanding mindfulness practice that helps me to greet the unexpected with acceptance and even delight.

If yoga is truly a path of peace, gratitude for our lives as they are is one of the paving stones. I can’t manufacture magic on Thanksgiving, but I can recognize the magic that’s already there.

About Charlotte Bell
Charlotte Bell discovered yoga in 1982 and began teaching in 1986. Charlotte is the author of Mindful Yoga, Mindful Life: A Guide for Everyday Practice and Yoga for Meditators, both published by Rodmell Press. Her third book is titled Hip-Healthy Asana: The Yoga Practitioner’s Guide to Protecting the Hips and Avoiding SI Joint Pain (Shambhala Publications). She writes a monthly column for CATALYST Magazine and serves as editor for Yoga U Online. Charlotte is a founding board member for GreenTREE Yoga, a non-profit that brings yoga to underserved populations. A lifelong musician, Charlotte plays oboe and English horn in the Salt Lake Symphony and folk sextet Red Rock Rondo, whose DVD won two Emmy awards.

3 responses to “Santosha: A Different Holiday Yoga Practice”

  1. claudia says:

    Thank you for sharing.I am grateful for your thoughts. I am currently grateful for the fact that I still have my daughters chickens here. The are really funny to watch and their eggs are delicious.

    • Charlotte Bell says:

      Thanks for your comment. There are so many simple pleasures that we all have a tendency to take for granted. Here’s to chicken entertainment and the freshest of eggs!

  2. Heidi says:

    I really loved this post– thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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