If you have questions about a specific order, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-473-4888.


• Orders require 2 business days for processing prior to being shipped from the warehouse.
• Processing times may vary for handmade products and during busy seasons such as the Holidays.
• Shipping costs are determined at the time of shipping to provide customers the best possible price.
• We ship via FedEx. If the delivery is to a residence, FedEx will not require a signature unless you request it. Please note that this means the driver can leave the package if nobody is available. However, if the package is stolen or damaged after it is dropped off, neither FedEx nor Hugger Mugger will be held responsible. Please call our customer care team if you would like to place an order with a signature required: 1-800-473-4888


For information about shipping to non-contiguous states or countries outside of the USA, please contact [email protected].