Yoga Prop Guide
Prop your practice and find your alignment with our wide variety of premium yoga props!
Supported Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Supported Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
Supported Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle)
Supported Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)
Supported Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
4" x 9" x 6"
0.8 lb
4 colors
Our 4 in. Foam Yoga Blocks help you find perfect alignment and feel great to the touch. They are well-loved by the yoga community for their size, durability, and comfort.
Best Seller

4" x 9" x 6"
0.8 lb
4 colors
The strength & stability you expect from Hugger Mugger, plus a fun marbled pattern.
Best Seller

4" x 9" x 6"
0.8 lb
If you love a really solid, stable block, here is the one for you! This lightweight prop is a wonderful addition to your practice, and it's made from eco-friendly recycled foam. Please note that these recycled blocks are slightly firmer than our regular foam yoga blocks.
Best Seller

3" x 9" x 6"
0.4 lb
2 colors
Need something smaller? These dense foam blocks provide reliable support when you need just a little lift.
5" x 12" x 6"
1.3 lb
2 colors
Sometimes one yoga block just isn't enough. Our Big Blue steps it up to provide perfect stability and alignment for tall, pregnant, or less flexible yogis.
Best Seller

3.5" x 9" x 5.5"
1.65 lb
Achieve eco-friendly alignment. This sturdy, sustainable cork yoga block has rounded edges for comfort and a naturally-grippy texture. Great for sweaty hands & hot yoga.
Best Seller

4" x 9" x 6"
2.2 lb
Get sturdy, stable, and sustainable support from Bamboo blocks, made from the fastest-growing renewable material on Earth.

Supported Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)
Supported Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
Supported Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
Standing Leg Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
6' x 1.5" x 1/8"
0.32 lb
6 colors
This 6-foot yoga strap features a classic metal D-Ring buckle.
Best Seller

6' x 1.5" x 1/8"
0.18 lb
6 colors
This 6-foot yoga strap features a lightweight plastic cinch buckle that makes less noise if dropped.
8' x 1.5" x 1/8"
0.41 lb
6 colors
This 8-foot yoga strap features a lightweight plastic cinch buckle that makes less noise if dropped. Great for taller yogis.
Best Seller

8' x 1.5" x 1/8"
0.27 lb
5 colors
This 8-foot yoga strap features a classic metal D-Ring buckle. Great for taller yogis.
Best Seller

10' x 1.5" x 1/8"
0.47 lb
6 colors
This 8-foot yoga strap features a classic metal D-Ring buckle. Great for taller yogis and partner poses.
10' x 1.5" x 1/8"
0.33 lb
6 colors
This 10-foot yoga strap features a lightweight plastic cinch buckle that makes less noise if dropped. Great for taller yogis and partner poses.
10' x 1.5" x 1/8"
0.28 lb
3 colors
Totally fool-proof! The Quick-Release style is great for anyone who doesn't want to hassle with threading a D-Ring or Cinch buckle.
Best Seller

8' x 1" x 1/16"
0.2125 lb
Inspired by the classic strap you’ll find at the Iyengar Institute in India, this strap is slightly narrower than other yoga straps and has a smaller buckle.
Supported Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-Facing Bow)
Supported Uttanasana (Forward Bend)
Supported Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
0.5 lb
2 colors
Very lightweight, great for anyone who carries props to different locations.
6" x 20" x 1.5"
1.2 lb
Sustainable cork's natural traction adds stability to your practice.