I Sing to My Bones

This entry was posted on Jul 31, 2012 by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg.
I Sing to My Bones


About to change

full of light

transclucent with shadow

and electricity

all held up, out

by the aging trunk

children of summer

wild eyed and dreaming

of red, of orange

in the pale wind

of this last warm day.


I know this tree.

These scars of lightning

breaks from age

that stretch us

too far then release

too much   just enough


I know these leaves

woven from sun

and water’s yearning

for itself,

all that will fall away.


Almost 50, I sing

to this body,

these branches darkening

against the brightness

of leaves, this knot hole

into time, the quiet pulse

in the heart wood.


I sing to my bones

and branches, skin

so bewildered by

years of criticism,

my size swaying

on the front lawn

mixing shadow and weather

seasons of opening or

closing, releasing,

or gathering.


When all the leaves fall

to husks of time,

I still feel

the green light

pulsing through me

alive awake alive

About Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg is the Poet Laureate of Kansas, and the author of 14 books, including a forthcoming novel, The Divorce Girl; The Sky Begins At Your Feet: A Memoir on Cancer, Community & Coming Home to the Body (Ice Cube Books); and four collections of poetry. Founder of Transformative Language Arts – a master's program in social and personal transformation through the written, spoken and sung word at Goddard College (Goddard College); where she teaches, Mirriam-Goldberg also leads writing workshops widely. With singer Kelley Hunt, she co-writes songs, offers collaborative performances, and leads writing and singing Brave Voice retreats (www.BraveVoice.com); and she blogs regularly at her website (www.CarynMirriamGoldberg.wordpress.com)

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