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I often say my cats are my greatest Yoga teachers. That first looooonnnggg stretch they do when they get up from a nap looks like it feels oh so good. They don’t worry about form. They just move naturally, with precision and grace, kind of … well … catlike.
My cats are great fans of Yoga props. A bolster on the floor is an invitation to stretch out the entire length of it. A mat usually gathers at least two feline tenants. Straps are way fun to chase. But the hands-down favorite prop in my feline family is blankets. Cotton, wool, whatever. Any blanket will do.
The picture at the top of this post is of Pushkin, a 15-pound orange tabby who likes to join me for Savasana. The photo above is from a recent shared Savasana. While I rested in Savasana, Pushkin burrowed under the Mexican blanket and wedged himself between my calves and knees. When my Savasana ended, Pushkin decided to stay. This is how I found him a few minutes later.
Do your animal friends practice Yoga? Cat yoga, dog yoga, bird yoga, rabbit yoga, horse yoga—we’re looking for any species of yoga. Send us your photos, with a paragraph or so about their Yoga practice, and we’ll post them periodically on our blog and on Facebook!
Email your photos and stories to [email protected].
My rescue pup loves practicing yoga with me 🙂