Honoring Autumn

This entry was posted on Sep 21, 2011 by Nichole.

As summer slowly comes to a close, I am inspired to honor autumn. Although the official first day of fall is September 23, 2011, I find that I begin to acknowledge this seasonal change with the beginning of a new academic school year. Many of us are eager for this transition, while others may be more resistant. I internally associate autumn with gratitude, change and relaxation. I allow myself to slow down from the high energy of the summer months and firmly reground to Earth’s more stable planetary pull. I remind myself to be grateful for the life that I have been given and thankful for the amazing companions that have accompanied me along the way.

This early in the season, Mother Nature is very discreet about her seasonal transition, but the message is clear to those who take time to notice. She will bear her harvest and prepare for a long restful hibernation. Change is certain and unpredictable for not only the autumn months but for life in general.

As the days begin to slowly shorten, we are forced to decrease the speed of our current pace of life and implement a more scheduled routine. This allows us the opportunity to focus on the activities that are most important to us. Take advantage of this time of year to savor the moment. Be mindful of the life that you live and allow yourself to take pleasure in the desires of your heart. Honor autumn.

What does autumn represent to you? I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Nichole Mitchell recently completed her 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Salt Lake Community College. She is passionate about the healing arts and is also a Licensed Massage Therapist.

About Nichole
Nichole Mitchell recently completed her 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Salt Lake Community College. She is passionate about the healing arts and is also a Licensed Massage Therapist.

2 responses to “Honoring Autumn”

  1. Stef says:

    Love Autumn, great post 🙂

  2. Crystal says:

    I love autumn for this very reason! This was nicely put

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