Embrace Change and Renew your Life!
When you get into a certain pattern and set of habits, it can be very hard to change.
Sometimes you can be in a negative pattern your whole life and think that that is just how “life is.”
The only way your “life is” is a reflection of your thoughts and habits. Life is not your pattern. Life is whatever you choose it to be. The meaning in life is the meaning you bring to it.
If you so choose, there is a brand new and totally different reality out there for you to experience. Choose healthy habits; choose more for yourself. Know that a new outcome and experience is possible for you. To experience a new kind of life, first you must change your patterns. The first step to changing your patterns is raising your standards so you can create more for your life. Choose a loving relationship over a toxic one. Choose alkaline food over acidic food. Get off your ass and work out, instead of staying on the couch.
When you raise your standards, you will rise along with them.
Envision a new and better life for yourself and then get to work acting and living “as if.” Challenge your current pattern by introducing new and healthier thoughts, patterns and actions.
Embrace change and get excited when you no longer recognize your life.
My motto has always been to accept change, embrace it and know that you will never become who you want to be by remaining who you are, if you want it fight for it, if you need it, make it happen!
Something exciting and new is brewing, so get out there!