Living your dreams takes courage; it just does. On the one hand you have your heart, your soul and your intuition nudging you in one direction. On the other hand you have your personality and your mind desiring to stay in your comfort zone.
Living life on the edge in pursuit of your dreams happens as you take action from your intuition, and you stay with the fear as your mind and personality resist, cry, act fearful and want to quit.
Accept that it’s totally natural for your mind and personality to be fearful, sad, angry and unsure about listening to your intuition and heart.
Deep down you know that everything IS and WILL BE okay. But the mind doesn’t always agree with this knowing.
Stepping onto The Path and living life at your Highest Potential will challenge you to let go of the limiting beliefs that your mind is telling you about what’s possible for you. It will ask you to make choices and take action from a deeper place of knowing.
Take risk. Take CALCULATED risk on your heart’s behalf. Let your intuition guide you into the unknown and scary places. Instead of disaster, you will find new horizons.
Don’t ask for your intuition and heart to give you guidance on how to be safe, secure and still live your dreams.
Instead, ask for the courage to truly listen to your heart and intuition and cultivate the required mental attitude to make it happen and stay calm in the middle of the unknown storm.
Your dreams are counting on it!
And REMEMBER if God wanted you otherwise, he would have created you otherwise.